Men – Retreats

What is new masculinity? Do you have the feeling that your masculinity is balanced with femininity in your (desired) partnership, in your family or in yourself? What is the hidden wisdom of masculinity from which we can find strength for a healthy balance in our time? We want to experience a new masculinity among men. Many don’t know any more if you are allowed to be a man, don’t feel confident to talk about it, or have lost sight of what a healthy masculinity is. Better known became an “unhealthy” or “toxic” masculinity in which an old role of a superior or violent man is exposed. I invite you to learn what male wisdom is and how this wisdom is used in work, in partnership, with family and friendships.

This video is a presentation on Sex, Masculininty and God in the midst of Changes at the International Society for System Science 2021:

We will learn how this wisdom leads us from an unconscious reaction to conscious beings. We experience how we can bring the masculine and feminine into balance both within ourselves and in our outer world, strengthen the positive sides of both, and overcome our shadows with masculine wisdom. If you feel like you want to restore that balance and be part of a movement for healthy masculinity, then you are in the right place.

Seminars and News

Here are some talks with philosopher Cadell Last and Masculinity Coach Kevin Orosz. I am happy to announce that a book is published out of these trialogues named Sex, Masculinity and God: