Difference between Evolutionary and Religious Worldview – Trialogue #3

This trialogue between myself, Kevin Oroszlán, and Cadell Last represents the third experiment in an attempt to open a new discussion on sexuality. The third question which structures our discourse is “What is the difference between the evolutionary and religious worldview?”. In this discussion we attempt to approach the meaning of the difference between evolutionary and religious presuppositions and how it may impact our interpretations of self in intimate relationships. The will to eternity has been my major contribution to the common ground of evolutionary and religious worldview.

Have a look into the full-lenght video set up by Cadell Last.

What is the Reality of Sexual Difference? – Trialogue #1

This trialogue between Cadell Last, Kevin Oroszlán, and Daniel Dick represents the first experiment in an attempt to open a new discussion on sexuality. The first question which structures our discourse is “What is the Reality of Sexual Difference?”. In this discussion we attempt to approach the topics of sexual experience, metaphysics, mechanics and ethics.
