Individual Self-Empowerment -Workshop 2023


The workshop serves to empower self-confidence by working through experiences that we have gone through from our conception to our puberty. At this stage of life we are very much influenced by our parents and our relationship with them, so understanding and forgiving our entanglements and shortcomings is especially important.

Self-love, self-care and a childlike curiosity and joy of life are strengthened as qualities.

Fertilization is our entry into life, and the associated emotions, environment, sexual energy and love between the parents are instrumental in shaping the rest of our lives. Likewise, pregnancy and the experiences of the mother are central to any further development, which in turn lay the foundation for birth. The first 14 years until puberty lay the building blocks in life for our coming of age.

All these phases of life can be visited and perceived anew. They are the source of your wisdom and talents. Even if initially some experiences in this period were perceived as negative, this workshop can help you to perceive these experiences in your life differently and to transform them.


The workshop will focus very much on our sensory impressions, since it is precisely in this phase of development that this access to the world is most formative. We will do exercises to sensitize our psychosomatic points and create a safe place for our childhood stories. Through meditative, ritual and energetic techniques, these will be brought into awareness and transformed into compassion. We will address the collective shadow (such as intemperance or boundary transgressions) of this developmental phase and bring them into healing as much as we will be able.

Topics that will be worked on are for example: Interpretations of (parental) love, play and seriousness, being held, pain of parents’ limited love due to time, siblings, conditioning, etc.


This workshop is especially for you if you have already worked on yourself in some way and now want to take a conscious step into your self-empowerment, to stop sabotaging yourself through emotional triggers and to give your life an intentional direction.

You are in the right place:
If you want your life to flow again and old fears and worries from your parental history no longer serve you.
If you want to feel carried by the world and no longer have concerns and fears of being “different”.
When you want to discover the world anew for yourself.
If you have mentally understood that for a happier life you have to face your past.


This workshop is not a substitute for long-term treatment for serious trauma. This workshop is not for you if you do not want to be in charge of your own life. This workshop is not for you if you want to remain helpless to the forces of fortune.


Most days take place in the large room of Traum14, Hauptstraße 29 in 1140 Vienna. Exceptions are 14th of Oct. on the Hohe Wand (location will be announced upon registration) and the 15th of Oct. at WUK, Währinger Straße 59, 1190 Vienna.

10:30am-5:00pm each day with a lunch break. Vegan food will be provided with a suggested donation of 10 Euros.


Workshop days are to be attended as one package and build on each other. If individual days cannot be attended, that is of course OK by arrangement. If you are not sure if this workshop series is something for you, just get in touch and we will take our time.


The determined early birds will be rewarded with a discount of 560 Euro for the whole 8 days workshop until 15.07.
Click here to register with early bird discount !

From 16.07. the full fee of 630 Euro applies.

Undecided can visit the first workshop day for a try-out and then make a decision.


The try-out day on 03.09. alone costs 72 Euro.
Click here to register for the taster day!

For Lichtanker and Alvital members the taster day costs 63 Euro and also after 15.07 the early bird discount for all 8 days.

(If you join the workshop series you will be charged 50 Euro).
Click here to register for the taster day for members!


Sporty clothes
sheets of paper/pen and pen
Your attention


Daniel Dick, is an author, workshop leader and energetic coach. He spent many years in the science of consciousness research and moved from the head to the heart and into action. He has held a number of seminars, especially in men’s work, and deals with the crises of the time through practical help. He has visited various spiritual schools and passed through some until he remained faithful to Tibetan Buddhism until now. His own paths of healing have given him insight into the psychosomatic and energetic processes that our bodies hold for us. With the structures of the unconscious of C.G. Jung, the medicine wheel of the North American traditions, the sacrificial and purification traditions from Colombia and his rebellious study time, the pieces of the puzzle came together to define a “5-fold path of self-determination” as a path of freedom and to make accessible elements that build on each other, so that we can take our lives into our own hands and live again with nature and our fellow human beings in awareness and peace.

In addition, some good spirits will act as space holders and take care of the physical well-being.

Tibetan Yoga and Meditation

From September to the end of November, there is the possibility to get insights into the Tibetan Yoga, called Tsa -Lung.

– breathing and physical exercises
– meditation instructions
– Buddhist philosophy and
– mantras
are taught.

– free donations –

Tsa Lung Yoga Drikung Schwitzerland


Monday Sept.-Nov.
(31.10 fällt aus)

19-21 Uhr


KMG Studio
Kleine Mohrengasse 6-8
1020 Wien 


Daniel Dick has successfully completed the training on Tsalung with Lama Kunsang in Switzerland and is thus certified to pass on these practices.

Zertifikat Tsalung

Thursday Meditation at Lichtanker

(March-April) on free donation in person and online.

Every Thursday from 19:00-20:30.

Meditations include Buddhist teaching and guidance on mindfulness and guided meditations.
(Subject to change based on the makeup of participants and their needs):

03.17. Ask Death

24.03. The transformation of demons

31.03. Enter the library of your life

07.04. From pain to compassion (ideal for stop smoking)

13.04. Expansion of loving awareness (Change of date !!)

21.04. Experience and fulfill your light body

Each session can be visited in person at the club room of Lichtanker (Felberstrasse 2/23) or via this zoom information:
Meeting ID: 288 243 5138
ID Code: Liebevoll

Telegram-Channel for updates and reminders:

Donations to
Daniel Dick – AT412011128850829900 – GIBAATWWXXX
or on site
Approximate value for donations: 10-25 Euro

Here is a small foretaste – Guided meditations by Daniel on Youtube:

Consciousness and the cultural path towards holistic healing- My Talk on Health and Well-Being Conference in Italy – Fermo

My aim was it, to show how different approaches in different cultures operated with stories, figures and symbols towards similar mechnism of overcoming the shadows and the illusion of things towards a kind of light. This small introduction into my talk has to be seen in itself as a repeating pattern of words in narrative sequences, which enfolds themselves in time. At the very core of any good story lies the truth, the beauty, the wisdom and the compassion especially to those close and next to you on an equal basis. The stories tells us an narrative sequence which can be perceived as an imagine of oneself, to the extend one can identify and detache oneself it. “What do we understand?” sets up the horizon tied to the ability of your consciousness through compassion.

Thank you very much for the invitation to the conference and to have the pleasure to introduce the whole topic.


Organizing the Worlds of Consciousness 2019

The International Congress “Worlds of Consciousness 2019” was a great success!

Have a look into the full programm with the recorded presentations here.

After a short introduction of the past activities of the ECR- Institute, Marco Bischof jumped spontanously in, to give an overview on the work of Brenda Dunne and Roger Nelson, higlightening their influence and importance in the current debate about mind-matter-interaction.

Brenda Dunne gave her presentation describing her work with Robert Jahn and telling anecdotes from her experiences. Roger Nelson impressed the audience with his Global Consciousness Project, which in short says “We are all connnected” and delivers global coherent data during global events based on random-generators spread all over the world. Sacinanda Swami led the whole congress with the vibration of the OM-chantinginto a delightfull meditation. Christopher Bache opened up heaven with the diamonds he found during his LSD-experiences and ater lunch Jan Rak showed the physical reality based on quantum terms. Ervin Lazlo send his message about the illusion of the separation between spirituality and science. Regina Hess brought the feminine energy in the hall. Coming to the end, Mathias Schüz precisely showed how ethical business works and Christian Halper and Marcus Schmieke set down the vision to investigate further the information field theories and practices as well as to strenghen networks and collaborations among like-minded institutions.

The presentations will be soon online. Thanks to everybody particitpating and making the event possible. Special thanks to Marcus Schmieke, Christian Halper, Nadine Förster, Hans-Werner Quast, Christopher Sauter, Falk Hubalt, Mathias Polnicky, Jonas Werner and Dong Doan and many more.

IONS Conference – A role model for brigding science and as they call it “transformative practices”

The conference of the Institute of Noetic Science this year in Santa Barbara, California has been an inspiring conference by having equally men and woman, spirituality and science presenting. I have never left so many business cerds behind. I will come back. Have a look into their programs! Dean Radin, the head of research really is a character. I got the chance to speak to him. Asthonishing and precise work.

Science of Consciousness, Switzerland – Interlaken

The impression of the biggest scientific conference on consciousness in the year have been: the work of Harald Atmaspacher, Embodiment Sessions, espcially of Donata Schöller, and keynote of Mark Solms about the importance of emotions and feelings related to consciousness. There are many more to mention, on my opinion these were my highlights beside of many talks and chats in breaks and the evennings.

I did the following poster presentation proposing a “Multi-value Perspective of Processing Existential Consciousness in Terms of Cybernetics and System Science“. It is a Synthesis of the work of Peyn, Luhmann, Heinrichs, Bateson and Günther. Talking with Heinrich about it later he would suggest some redefinements. The steps might not be 100% congruently, but a way to see an repeating pattern.



Mysticism and Science Conference in Prague

I have been kindly invited to speak in Prague about Mysticism and Science about “Patterns of Transformative Consciousness”. Basically, my focus was the processual nature of becoming conscious in the realms of science and mysticism and positioned these ways in a fractal pattern.

Here you find the presentation-link.


3rd Symposium of the Existential Consciousness Research

The 3rd Symposium of Existential Consciousness Research took place in Castle Kränzlin. My main insights are directed into the questions of eternity and here and now, because the philosophical contributions  led to different dimensions of viewpoints, evolving towards truth, love, freedom and beauty. Every path of a penomenological and existential point of view is dynamic and has a direction. Each of it shares to some extend different and same kinds of here and now to reach out to these virtues. Is it the here and now of the body position? Is it the here and now of the day-dreamers dream? Is it the conscious I which unfolds its acutalization constantly in reflexions and how many dimensions of reflexions intersect with different here and nows? Special thanks to science21, to Johannes Heinrichs and of course the Existential Consciousness Institute. More information follows on the website of the Institute. Next meeting will be at the in March. I am really looking forward to the next frontiers of consciousness research.