Suddenly I found myself presenting in front of a small group of therapists, quantum physicists, consciousness researcher and amazing people with special talents. Erwin Laszlo was hosting at the heart of Tuscany the Conference on “Catalizing Paradigm Shift”. I was replacing the talk of Marcus Schmieke introducing our concept of the orthogonal complementarity and it´s reflexions based on the philosophy of Gotthard Günther and Johannes Heinrichs.

My catches of the conference have been many but I want to higlight three of them: Nitamo Montecucco, Kelly Schwegel and Frederico Faggin. Videos has been made and I will share them as soon as they are ready.
The basic line of the whole conference was to confirm, that material and mechanical views are not enough to explain the world, and introducing many practical and theoretical steps into the nature of consciousness and reality.

Some very hard facts have been presented that should shake the academic world, but have been ignored or just not widely known. I could find myself in a group of like-minded people discovering the secrets beneath the grounds and bridging places, times, institutions and mind towards holografic consciousness research and practice. Special thanks to the organizers: the Scientific and Medical Network and the Lazslo Institute.