Dies ist eine Meditation, die es dir ermöglicht, in ein Wissen über dein Leben einzutreten, unter der Bedingung, was du erfährst zu akzeptieren. Genieße die Reise!
Ask Death – Guided Meditation at the European Men’s Gathering
Registration to Course: Maya Kalender
Conscious Masculinity Program
The Conscious Masculinity Program is design for men to open up to embodied cognition to move from toxic masculinity towards healthy and self-conscious masculinity. It’s about learning your embodied self, discover your emotional patterns and how to unblock your potential and ultimately, have a thriving sexual life.
Reach out for more information via the Contact Form.
Sex, Masculinity and God at the European Men’s Gathering 2021
Finally, the three of us met in person. Thanks to the European Men’s Gathering 2021 hosting the event. See you next year !
Why learn the Mayan Calender?
Maya Calendar Course starting in November

Join the telegram chat: https://t.me/joinchat/7rX0Ez-Isrg5ZGFk
Time Whispers

Time but you

“Consciousness between Science and Spirituality” Podcast Challenging ParadigmX with Xerxes
A real pleasure to be interviewed by my friend Xerxes Voshmgir at his Podcast Challeging ParadigmX. In here I focus on my personal journey of life and curiosity and my insights into consciousness bridging spirituality and science.
Sex Masculinity and God in the midst of changes – Keynote at the ISSS2021
I have been invited as a keynote speaker to the International Society of System Science Conference this year (https://www.isss.org/online-2021/) to talk about masculinity and was asked to prepare a video in case the technology does not work since it is an online conference. I am happy to share it with you:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzcPLG5_9l4&t=124s
On Teachers, Lineages and Fathers and Sons
Kevin, Cadell and me have been invited by the Manisphesto network to speak about Sex, Masculinity and God which ended up in appreciating learning processes along generations in different settings. Thanks to Owen Cox!
I have apparently a super soft voice
I have been if a compilation of some of my videos could be used to help people to sleep. I got a lot of good feedback and considering doing some more in this direction. Thanks !
A Talk on Masculinity, Spirituality and Technology
Interview with Psychology 360
It has been a pleasure to engage in wonderful question with Simon Weissenberger on the Podcast “Psychology 360”.
The topics we deepened in our conversation reached from the book “Sex, Masculinity and God” to the human and psychological crisis we are facing right now due to COVID-19 with the consequences of emotional-social distancing to the digital beginnings of web3 with the possibility of token economy and its future implications.
Sex Masculinity and God at the Stoa
The Stoa is a digital campfire around the most intriguing topics at the knife’s edge of what is happening now. Highly appreciated the level of interaction and questions on these 2 sessions with Tyson Wagner!
Here is Part I
And because we really enjoyed it… Part II:
Podcast: KK #6 Daniel Dick (Anthropologe, Bewusstseinsforscher, Sexualcoach)
Thanks to Rafael for the interview on his podcast!
Vielen Dank an Rafael für das Interview für seinen Podcast!
Don´t wait till it hurts.
Sometimes live is hard, especially when world situation does not comfort at all. Maybe you have troubles with your job, and then you might get ill and nobody can tell you want is the root of your illness.
Pain, first of all is never found in the body. It is an emotion and usually doctors sum it up as stress, when they accept a relation between mind and body. The eastern traditions acknowledge for millenia energy as a medium between the mind and the body.
When you get stressed, we tend to think to much, we tend to have negative emotions. All of that is a higher amount of energy that always calls you out to transform and to change.
If that energy is not put on track, it gets stuck where ever you are stuck. To much energy stuck creates heat. First, you might have difficulties to relax, and you might drink more alcohol or search for other comfort zone. Then you might have difficulties to sleep and according to the position and topic you are stuck get inflammations, which means bacteria are overcoming your immun system. If that continues without getting calmness and a new direction in life, it ends with an illness, which will force you to stop and to reexamine your life.
Energy has to flow, without resistance and free from holding on to it. Some people termed beautifully the saying: Let it go! And you will have freedom.

It is discomforting to change, but the sooner you change with the flow, the less life is going to call you out brutally.
In Germany we say, if you don´t listen, you will have to feel it.
So, don´t wait till it hurts, when life wants you the change.
Listen. And the best way to listen is to find calmness for youself.
All the best,
Interview about New Masculinity and Corona times on Remo´s Podcast
I have been inerviewed by the Remo, I dear friend I never met in person but we connect on a very beautiful way, evertime we speak.
Enjoy listening.
My talk on “Consciousness and holistic path of healing” in Fermo, Italy
Here is the youtube-video of my talk about the universal cultural patterns of becoming whole and healthy in higher sense of coherence.
Have fun:
Business as usual is over. We will never go back to our “normal” crises – #Whatif 2030 looks like that:
We will never go back to “normal”, so, #whatif we have a drastic change.
#Whatif you are in 2030:
The basic income became a necessity to fulfill the basic needs, like food and housing after the pandemic crises and its economic consequences. This basic income is not to accumulate currencies, but to keep a balance of not too much and not too less (thanks to Vincente for that idea). The balance of the current-sees (thanks to CoGov.com for that model) is registered like a fractal in every computer in a distributed network running on blockchain technology.
Locally based agriculture has been the first to became self-organized without any intermediate businesses or merchants. The self-responsibility and self-organization of the registration of the goods on blockchain allowed also to find recycling pathways which first was done in small circle of permaculture and soft skills and later in globally interacting circular economy flows.
Every exchangeable good, physical product, soft skills, artwork and service is registered and matched according to searches and needs on a modular set of self-organized individuals and groups. Each module can a product, a song or a concert for example. Everybody has a set of modules, like a portfolio, which can be easily link to a group-module. The content of the interchangeable modules is not anymore centralized in websites, universities or companies, but distributed in such digitally or locally places. Most websites operate like a smartphone in which modules can have a digital place, like an app on a smartphone.
Daily and cultural practices to get out of the egocentric and competitive behavioral patterns towards a compassioned, community-based behavior are found in new jobs especially in the areas of healing, art and education.
There are different kinds of current-sees according to qualities. Some current-sees are set every day on zero. The exchange is based on your time and activity of where you are and what are you using or doing, which can be something individually like cleaning a place, caring about children or taking part in three groups in one day dedicated to a common purpose like developing hardware for computers. Basically, everybody is self-employed and self-responsible. That means everybody is his or her own bank, shop, company, service provider and has always the freedom to interact in different groups. Some other current-sees are on a default-mode according to responsibility taken by individuals or taken by a group for a certain time. Groups also have the goal to reach a balance as a group instead of a continuous growth. Random-acts-of-kindness is a non-binary exchangeable current-see, which can be just given.
It is also possible to solve conflicts and conceive consensus by percentage or by 100 % with the own creations of inner truth meanings linked to their references (thanks to Formwelt.info). Within a group (of 3-8 people) the experience and the decisions of the group allow resolutions and agreements for actions, representatives, newcomers and forks, which are transparently archived in the distributed digital network. Some agreements and resolutions are between groups to define shared responsibilities for larger communities in bigger timeframes. These processes are paralleled with covering basic needs of food and living on the most efficient and ecological sustainable way.
A new worldview and paradigm are implemented to develop healthy boundaries, emotions and skills of operating with a free consciousness which is not anymore recreating an ego in a purely materialistic world. The mimicry of nature´s creation, and the development of emotional, and communicational maturity and intuition allow different forms of interaction in which place and time are less relevant. New ways of friendships, intimate and other relationships are changed because of truly sharing degrees of one consciousness. This happened due to a complete mind shift from the “I” to a compassioned behavior in which there is no “I in TEAM”. This extensive development of emotions and feeling, transparency and trust involve cultural techniques of self- and shadow exploration. Peace-making skills and collaboration are on an agreement of a worldwide network of groups. Learning is not anymore, a classroom in a school, but mentorship program which allows you to discover and learn from any group and record in your skills as a set of modules.
A lot of other ideas have been developed which only took place in thriving collaborations, meaningful conversations and mutual learning with truly free and compassioned actions, which had a bust in year 2020.
Back to our present to look back in history to see why collaboration and the technologies and especially the internet possibilities can make this happen:
Civilizations can hold together if communication channels and exchange of goods take place in a sustainable ecological environment. Usually a drastic change happened in the growth of civilizations when recourses per capital became scare. A war would rearrange status and power to let the oppressed work harder to get more energy out of the land. Technology would facilitate the energy that a civilization has to bring up to feed everyone. Only very few exceptions in the rise of civilizations were able to establish a new order without a war, but with collaboration and exchange of goods. About their communicational behavior we don´t have enough archeological record.
The more vertical a system is, the less communication it needs to keep a common purpose. The less communication a system has the more oppression takes place. In other words: The better the possibilities of communication the more egalitarian a society can be. For hunter and gatherer societies, known to be egalitarian, it is very easy to maintain this way of societal structure because the number of group members interacting are between 8-30 people and they live with almost no environmental circumscription. So, if someone bothers someone in a society like this, you can just leave. But if the density of the population gives you no place to go, you get a problem if you don´t find an understanding and a collaboration.
Therefore, I believe we definitely need a massive shift, hopefully without a World War III. With it or not, if we want to make this jump towards a unified planet caring about our next generations, and we must find more efficient ways to produce energy and consume less, which helps the Earth to recover. We will have a unified world if we use our technologies wisely and collaborate starting from a free spirit and compassioned soul. The area of information is young and has still a lot of potential but only if we as human evolve internally and expand our responsibility to care locally about the next person to you.
If we don´t growth as compassioned being and move out of grieve and accumulation of profit we won´t go anywhere with good technologies.
Imagine your #Whatif and share it with the tag.