Sometimes live is hard, especially when world situation does not comfort at all. Maybe you have troubles with your job, and then you might get ill and nobody can tell you want is the root of your illness.
Pain, first of all is never found in the body. It is an emotion and usually doctors sum it up as stress, when they accept a relation between mind and body. The eastern traditions acknowledge for millenia energy as a medium between the mind and the body.
When you get stressed, we tend to think to much, we tend to have negative emotions. All of that is a higher amount of energy that always calls you out to transform and to change.
If that energy is not put on track, it gets stuck where ever you are stuck. To much energy stuck creates heat. First, you might have difficulties to relax, and you might drink more alcohol or search for other comfort zone. Then you might have difficulties to sleep and according to the position and topic you are stuck get inflammations, which means bacteria are overcoming your immun system. If that continues without getting calmness and a new direction in life, it ends with an illness, which will force you to stop and to reexamine your life.
Energy has to flow, without resistance and free from holding on to it. Some people termed beautifully the saying: Let it go! And you will have freedom.

It is discomforting to change, but the sooner you change with the flow, the less life is going to call you out brutally.
In Germany we say, if you don´t listen, you will have to feel it.
So, don´t wait till it hurts, when life wants you the change.
Listen. And the best way to listen is to find calmness for youself.
All the best,
Thank you for your message to the world, that’s beautiful!